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The City Council of Xaló has processed this week the award of the first subsidies of the Plan Resistir for businesses of all kinds and especially those of hospitality that have had to close during the past months of January and February due to the pandemic. In total, the aid that has been paid to 32 businesses and professionals in the town amounts to 65,384 euros.

According to the Councilor for Commerce, Lore Blasco, “these aid were essential so that the businesses most affected by the last months of the pandemic can begin to breathe” and has added that “it is the third line of aid that has been approved in the last 6 months and we are already preparing a new proposal. We know that the situation is complicated and we will continue working tirelessly. ”

These grants are financed by three parties: Generalitat (62.5%), Diputación de Alicante (22.5%) and city council (15%). But all the management has fallen to the consistory. In this regard, the councilor has commented that “it has been a very complicated process for a city council like ours, with limited human resources; a procedure of this type should have support from the provincial and regional administrations; in the end what What happens is that everything is delayed, businesses have a very bad time waiting for subsidies and we do not have enough staff to do it faster. ”

These grants have also paid to businesses that, having outstanding debts with the administrations, have shown that they have a current payment plan that will allow them to correct them. Shortly it is planned to open a new call for businesses that did not have to close due to Covid-19 but have seen their business greatly affected.

The councilor also reported that this week “we have held a meeting with all the parties to explain what the situation was and how to design new aid.” In this sense, she has announced that it has been agreed to incorporate those businesses that do not have the tax headquarters in Xaló but that have initiated procedures to locate it.Xaló