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With the three new parking areas, we have achieved our aim of making the town centre less congested.  “With the plan for the new public car parks, you can easily park within 100 metres of the town centre and have easy access to houses or the shops. It was a necessity for our village” said the mayor of Xaló, Joan Miquel Garcés.

The Xaló public parking expansion plan has concluded with the availability of three new areas that add to the existing ones. As a result, approximately 100 places have been added.

The aim of the plan was to reduce traffic congestion in the town centre, giving preference to pedestrians and, in turn, making public parking areas around the town centre available to neighbours, traders and visitors. Consequently, local residents and visitors can park their vehicles in areas close to the urban centre to access their homes or shops in the village. For this purpose, the city council selected plots that had either been acquired already or where an agreement had been reached with the owners to enable them to be used as parking areas.

Of the three new public car parks, the first is located in front of the Health Centre and has space for about 20 cars. The second is located on the other side of the river, next to the Riurau restaurant, where there is space for another 20 cars, more or less. The third car park, and the largest of all, is located on Joan Martorell Avenue.  It has space for around fifty cars.

As of now, the village will have a total of seven public car parks on the outskirts of the village that will reduce congestion in the centre, both on a day-to-day basis and on the days with popular events in Xaló, such as the Mercat de la Terra, the rastro, the local Fiestas and Xalónia, … etc.

These defined parking areas are as follows: The Sports Centre car park, the car park where the rastro is held, the car park on calle Duquesa Almodovar, the one on Avenida de Joan Martorell, the one near to Point, the Pallarés car park, the one next to the Health Centre, the one next to the Riurau restaurant and the one behind the library.