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On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th there will be sports, physical activities and medical tests aimed at promoting healthy living habits.

On 28th and 29th September the town council of Xaló has organised a weekend for the heart and movement in collaboration with the Cycling Club, the Mountain Club and the Athletics Club, with participation from Xaló pharmacy and the festeros of Santo Doménec 2020.

The aim of this weekend, which will be filled with sports and physical activities, is to “promote healthy living habits among the population” according to the councillor for health Lara Avellà.

On Saturday the activities will begin at 10 am with an exhibition from the school of ‘Pelota’ that will allow children to participate. Then there will be a healthy mid-morning snack for all participants. At 12 pm we will enjoy a story telling show for children and after lunch, at 4.30pm, the Cycling Club has organized a bicycle tour around the village. Then, at 6pm, it will be the turn for those who want to learn how to climb on the climbing wall thanks to Xaló Mountain Club. The day will end with a public dinner in the street where people bring their own food and tables.

Meanwhile, on Sunday the 29th the day will start with a ‘cholesterol’ walk for all ages, organized by the Athletics Club. At 10: 30am we will recover our strength with a healthy mid-morning snack. Then there will be one of the most fun activities of the weekend. This is a gymkhana for couples, for which you must register (information on the attached poster) and then another gymkhana for all ages.

Cholesterol Control

As one of the objectives of this weekend is “to make people realise what is essential to having good health,” as said by the councillor, at 11:30am cholesterol tests will be provided (as well as blood pressure, blood sugar and triglycerides tests).

To finish the weekend of the heart and movement, at 2pm there will be a public paella organized by the festeros of Santo Doménec 2020 and then, at 3pm, a dance with ‘La Gran Babylon’ to conclude the day.

Two days for everyone to encourage us to get moving in Xaló. Here’s the complete programme:






10: 30am Exhibition by the ‘Pelota’ School, where all children can participate if they wish. (between Calle Nueva and Calle Duquesa).

11am Healthy mid-morning snack for the participants.

12pm Story telling for children.

4.30pm Children’s bike ride organized by Xaló cycling club where all children can participate if they wish. (Calle Lepanto)

6pm Learn to climb with Xaló Mountain Club (Indoor climbing wall, in the Polideportivo center)).

9pm Get your table ready and prepare something to eat for the public street meal.



9: 30am Cholesterol walk for all ages organized by Xaló Athletics Club (leaving from Calle Benissa).

10:30am Healthy mid-morning snack for the participants (Calle Iglesia)

10:45am Sign up for the gymkhana for couples (advanced inscriptions free by contacting 671 78 49 36 by phone or whatsapp.  Inscriptions on the same day cost 7€).

11am Gymkhana for all ages.

11: 30am Cholesterol tests as well as blood pressure, blood sugar and triglyceride tests to see how healthy your heart is. (Calle Mayor).

2pm Public paella in the street organised by the festeros of Santo Domènec 2020.

3pm Street dance by La Gran Babylon.



Xaló Cycling Club

Xaló Mountain Club

Xaló Athletics Club


Xaló Pharmacy

Festers Santo Domènec 2020