The City Council of Xaló approved the municipal budgets for 2020 in the last plenary session without any vote against. This came with the support of the council team and the abstention of the opposition. The budget amounts to a total of 2,330,000 euros, almost the same as the previous year, which was 2,306,000 euros. Regarding the matter, Mayor Joan Miquel Garcés stated “We want to reiterate our complaint about the limitations imposed by the central government that cause Xaló to have 700,000 euros frozen in a bank account right now without being able to allocate it to infrastructure necessary for the municipality.”
As a result of these expenditure restrictions, the limit for next year’s investments is € 120,000, “a very low figure” in the opinion of the town of Xaló. Half of this money will go to urban investments such as the purchasing of green areas and land for urban development in the municipality.
The other half will be divided between the repair and improvement of the network of agricultural and rural roads and the refurbishment of the new youth centre with 10,000 euros. The youth centre will be a space that will function as a meeting point, leisure area and training centre for the youngest people in the town.
Regarding allocated grants, the main investment will be for the patrimony of the municipality with 55.000€ that corresponds to Xaló Town Council with the rehabilitation of the ‘Molí del Giner’. Another 20,000€ will be given to the making of the ‘Catálogo de bienes’ and protected areas in Jalon. € 5,000 more will be for the preservation of the cave paintings of the ‘Cova de les Meravelles’.
The third investment item, funded by the surplus money, which this year is 100,000 euros, will have as its main expense the completion of the infrastructure to enable the construction of the future high school next year. In addition to the continuation of the improvements in the water network of the municipality.
Furthermore, the 2020 municipal budget of Xaló also accounts for the salary increase of 2.7% for the officials of the Town Council.