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The new analytics commissioned by the city council confirmed that the water supplied in Xaló is not drinkable at the moment. These reports can be consulted here https://www.xalo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/M-21-8358_merged.pdf). Non-potable means that it is not suitable for drinking or cooking, but it is suitable for personal hygiene.

In this sense, the city council is working in coordination with the rest of the affected municipalities to improve the filtration capacity of the plant that exists in our town in order to minimize the problem generated by the cloudy water supplied by the Irrigation Community. of Parcent. But for now there can be a date of return to potability.

Following the protocol established by Public Health for these cases, the consistory is coordinated with the Health Center to establish control measures to monitor the problem and try to solve it.

On the other hand, we will present to the relevant institutions the will of the Xaló City Council to be able to directly manage the extraction of water from the Parcent well and not have to depend on third parties.

The city council regrets the inconvenience.