Extraordinary measures for the coronavirus crisis

Extraordinary measures for the coronavirus crisis

The governing board of the town of Xaló has met this morning through videoconference and has agreed on the following extraordinary measures, collected in this decree: ? TOWN COUNCIL STAFF ? It decrees the closure of general public access to the town hall. You can...
Communication on the coranavirus crisis

Communication on the coranavirus crisis

Due to the extent of virus Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and as a more preventive approach following the recommendations from the Directorate of Security and Emergencies of the Generalitat Valenciana and the State Government, the town council of Xaló has decided to adopt the...

Call for job for municipal concierge

Bolsa para proveer temporal e interinamente puesto de trabajo temporal de operario cometidos múltiples-conserje polideportivo e instalaciones y edificios municipales del Ayuntamiento de Xaló

Edict about the old townhall building

Mr. Joan Miquel Garcés Font, Mayor-President of Town Council of Xaló makes it known, that the city Council plenary, in an ordinary session on the thirtieth of January of two thousand and twenty has adopted the following agreement: Submit to public information the...