Survey results of Xaló Participa 2020

Survey results of Xaló Participa 2020

We present the results of the surveys on dependency and the redesign of the town centre through the process of citizen participation ‘Xaló Participa 2020’. Many thanks to the more than 400 people from Xaló who participated. . . .     . . . . . ....
The Xaló rastro market returns this Saturday June 6th

The Xaló rastro market returns this Saturday June 6th

The Xaló rastro market returns this Saturday June 6th.  However, there are a few changes.  As a result of the Covid-19 health crisis, the market has been stopped since last March. Now, the town council has decided to restart it, but with a series of special measures....

(Español) Resolución del informe ambiental y territorial estratégico favorable en el procedimiento simplificado de evaluación ambiental y territorial estratégico de la modificación puntual nº 16 de las Normas Subsidiarias de Planeamiento municipal de Xaló, consistente en cambio de calificación de la parcela resultante nº 3 del proyecto de reparcelación de la UE-3 (residencial entre medianeras casco tradicional) a equipamiento educativo-cultural (Dotacional Público)

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