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The governing board of the town of Xaló has met this morning through videoconference and has agreed on the following extraordinary measures, collected in this decree:


? It decrees the closure of general public access to the town hall. You can contact us by phone, email, social networks or via the Batega Xaló app.

? Non-essential technical and administrative staff will work by teleworking. The rest will have their working day reduced by 50% and will alternate their shifts to avoid coinciding with several people at once. 

The operator and concierge competivity tests are suspended.


 The door-to-door rubbish collection service will be maintained under the same recycling conditions for the corresponding days, with the operator’s safety measures being heavily increased. 

? It is decreed that the Ecopark is closed to the public.

? Routine activity for minimum services is maintained in order to keep all other services in working condition, especially drinking water.  

? The cleaning of closed public spaces is suspended and will be resumed intensively to disinfect the facilities days before reopening. 


? The music school will continue with its activity using online and remote systems. The adaptation to remote/distance classes will be reviewed. For the month of March, those enrolled will only be charged 50% of the fee. If the situation continues, the 50% reduction will be maintained.

?? Fees for activities that have been cancelled, such as the gym, will not be charged. 

? Means of contact have been enabled to inform people at special risk or people with movement difficulties about possible situations of depletion of essential products. (966480101 / info@xalo.org / social networks and APP). 

?? In addition to the municipal resources, a database of volunteers has been activated to collaborate in emergencies if necessary (send an email with your details to info@xalo.org).

Xalonia festival is postponed. A new date will be decided when the situation is under control. 

 All activates linked to Easter are cancelled

⛹? A specific space has been enabled in the daily programming of sports activities at different levels through the communication channels of the town council.

Small to medium businesses 

 The reimbursement of municipal fees for businesses affected by closure is decreed. The measure involves the exemption of payment of municipal fees for as long as the state of alarm continues. The payments will be covered by the town council and will be fulfilled once the situation is under control.