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A breakdown in the maintenance work of the wells of the Comunidad de Regantes de Parcent, from where water is supplied to Xaló, has caused the water in our town to be undrinkable at this time. That is, it is not good for drinking or cooking. Yes it can be used for personal hygiene.

The city council found that the supplied water was cloudy. That is why he commissioned some analytics whose results have arrived today (they are available at this link https://www.xalo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ANALITICA-AIGUES-1). pdf). And they confirm that the water is not drinkable. At the moment, the reason for non-drinkability is turbidity. We are still waiting for more results from the lab.

For now, no date can be given for the return to the potability of the water because the fault is foreign to the city council.

The council is also informing Alcalalí and Llíber, the other two towns in Vall de Pop that consume the water from these wells.

We will continue to report any news.