Tap water analysis


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | December


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


JanuaryFebruaryMarch | May | June | July | August | September | October | November


January | February | March | April | May | June | August | November


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


January & february | March & april | May | August | September | October | November | December


September and october: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-setembreioctubre/

August: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-agost/

July: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

June: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/

May: Almazara mayo 2018 Valle del Paraíso mayo 2018 Casco urbano mayo 2018

April: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-abril/

March: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-marc/

February: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/

January: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/


In 2016, after a long period of problems, water was declared potable again by Public Health. Every month Public Health checks the quality of tap water.

There are a few points where water quality is analized:

Water comes from the plant in Parcent, comes into Xaló and the first check point is at the Tourist Info. Then the pipeline goes up and is divides in two lines: one goes to the deposit of Valle Paraiso, the other one to La Almazara. Both the urbanisations have a check point but the water is the same water as checked at the Tourist Info.

The other part and the centre of the village has 70% water from Parcent, mixed with 30% water from the well of la Definitiva (Llíber). The water of this well contains salt, the less water we have to use from this well, the better. There are two check points, one at the sports centre and one at townhall, its the same water.


December 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-desembre-2017/

November 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-novembre-2017/

October 2017: https://www.xalo.org/es/informes-daigua-octubre-2017/

July 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

June 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/







Auguts: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-agost/

July: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

June: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/


Abril: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-abril/

Març: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-marc/

Febrer: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/

Gener: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/

El servei d’aigua de Xaló té des de 2017 el qualificatiu d’aigua potable, després d’un llarg període de no potabilitat. Després d’anys amb un nivell de qualitat d’aigua molt baix cal potenciar l’accés a la informació de la ciutadania per recuperar la confiança en la qualitat de l’aigua del nostre poble.

Per això, l’Ajuntament ha multiplicat per tres el nombre d’analítiques que es duen a terme, i fa públiques mostres regularment.

Recordem que l’aigua de Xaló és hàbil per a qualsevol consum humà.


Desembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-desembre-2017/

Novembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-novembre-2017/

Octubre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/es/informes-daigua-octubre-2017/

Juliol 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

Juny 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/

In 2016, after a long period of problems, water was declared potable again by Public Health. Every month Public Health checks the quality of tap water.

There are a few points where water quality is analized:

Water comes from the plant in Parcent, comes into Xaló and the first check point is at the Tourist Info. Then the pipeline goes up and is divides in two lines: one goes to the deposit of Valle Paraiso, the other one to La Almazara. Both the urbanisations have a check point but the water is the same water as checked at the Tourist Info.

The other part and the centre of the village has 70% water from Parcent, mixed with 30% water from the well of la Definitiva (Llíber). The water of this well contains salt, the less water we have to use from this well, the better. There are two check points, one at the sports centre and one at townhall, its the same water.


Desembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-desembre-2017/

Novembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-novembre-2017/

Octubre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/es/informes-daigua-octubre-2017/

Juliol 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

Juny 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/





Auguts: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-agost/

July: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

June: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/


Abril: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-abril/

Març: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-marc/

Febrer: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/

Gener: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-gener/

El servei d’aigua de Xaló té des de 2017 el qualificatiu d’aigua potable, després d’un llarg període de no potabilitat. Després d’anys amb un nivell de qualitat d’aigua molt baix cal potenciar l’accés a la informació de la ciutadania per recuperar la confiança en la qualitat de l’aigua del nostre poble.

Per això, l’Ajuntament ha multiplicat per tres el nombre d’analítiques que es duen a terme, i fa públiques mostres regularment.

Recordem que l’aigua de Xaló és hàbil per a qualsevol consum humà.


Desembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-desembre-2017/

Novembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-novembre-2017/

Octubre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/es/informes-daigua-octubre-2017/

Juliol 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

Juny 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/

In 2016, after a long period of problems, water was declared potable again by Public Health. Every month Public Health checks the quality of tap water.

There are a few points where water quality is analized:

Water comes from the plant in Parcent, comes into Xaló and the first check point is at the Tourist Info. Then the pipeline goes up and is divides in two lines: one goes to the deposit of Valle Paraiso, the other one to La Almazara. Both the urbanisations have a check point but the water is the same water as checked at the Tourist Info.

The other part and the centre of the village has 70% water from Parcent, mixed with 30% water from the well of la Definitiva (Llíber). The water of this well contains salt, the less water we have to use from this well, the better. There are two check points, one at the sports centre and one at townhall, its the same water.


Desembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-desembre-2017/

Novembre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-novembre-2017/

Octubre 2017: https://www.xalo.org/es/informes-daigua-octubre-2017/

Juliol 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analitiques-aigua-juliol/

Juny 2017: https://www.xalo.org/analisi-daigua-complet-a-diposits-i-xarxa-2/