Local Police
Location: C/ L’Esglèsia, 27
Telephone: 619 22 39 96
e-mail: policialocalxalo@hotmail.com
Xaló Tourist Office
Location: Carretera Xaló-Alcanalí, s/n
Telephone: 966 480 522
Fax: 965 52 85 07
e-mail: valldepop@touristinfo.net
Reading Agency
Location: Pla de l’Horta, 7 A
Telephone: 966 48 09 12
e-mail: biblioteca@xalo.org
Ethnological Museum
Location: Avinguda Rei Joan Carles I, 45
Telephone: 966 48 02 17
Fax: 966 48 02 17
e-mail: museu@xalo.org
Opening hours:
– Monday from 17:00 to 21:00
– Thursday from 17:00 to 21:00
– Friday from 17:00 to 20:00
– Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00
Medical office
Location: Av. Santo Domingo s/n.
Telephone: 965 73 90 70
CEIP Serra de Bèrnia
Location: Camí Cementeri, 12
Telephone: 96 573 90 28
Email: 03006189@edu.gva.es
School website: https://portal.edu.gva.es/ceipserradebernia/
Telegram: https://t.me/+3XNE_HheXyYwNTk0
Municipal Sports Centre
Localització: Pla de l’Horta, 7
Municipal Swimming Pool
Location: Carretera Xaló-Alcanalí, s/n
For any problem, error or suggestion related to the Town Hall website, please send an email to webmaster@xalo.org.