Extraordinary measures for the coronavirus crisis

Extraordinary measures for the coronavirus crisis

The governing board of the town of Xaló has met this morning through videoconference and has agreed on the following extraordinary measures, collected in this decree: ? TOWN COUNCIL STAFF ? It decrees the closure of general public access to the town hall. You can...

Edict about the old townhall building

Mr. Joan Miquel Garcés Font, Mayor-President of Town Council of Xaló makes it known, that the city Council plenary, in an ordinary session on the thirtieth of January of two thousand and twenty has adopted the following agreement: Submit to public information the...
Water quality surveys: August 2019

Water quality surveys: August 2019

Analytics tap water on the three points of Xaló (in Valenciano): August 2019 : town centre : 2019-Agost-Poble August 2019 : La Almassara : 2019-Agost-Almassera August 2019 : Valle del Paraiso : 2019-Agost-ValledelParaiso  ...

Letter from the Ministry about Xylella

Every owner of a property within 100 meter of an infected Almond tree (tested positive on Xylella bacteria), receives a letter from the Ministry of Agriculture, with two documents attached, to sign and return. Download the translation in English (PDF) : Xylella...