Water analysis May 2017.

Water analysis May 2017.

Every month we publish the results of the drink water analysis of Xaló. Water is taken from deposits and various points in the network. The analysis are made according to the law RD 140/2003, every month. Results confirm good quality. XALÓ. MAYO 2017. CONTROL R. D....
Water analysis May 2017.

Water analysis may 2017

You can check the water analythics every month to ensure you get as much information as possible about  your water. Quality is better than in the last 15 years.   Almazara M-17-3371-1 Townhall M-17-3370-1 Valle...
Water analysis May 2017.

Analysis Februari 2017

You can check the water analythics every month to ensure you get as much information as possible about  your water. Almazara M-17-0117-1 (2) Townhall M-17-0120-1 (2)
Water analysis May 2017.

Results analysis water januari 2017

After tap water was declared drinkable last July, the quality gets better each month. The results of the analysis of januari 2017 of the three sampling points in the network of pipelines in Xaló:   Urbanización Almazara. Rotonda Casa 1:M-17-0116-1 (1) Urb. Valle...
New water meters

New water meters

Important informatión: water meters in the village will be changed soon. In the last year and a half we have been working hard to resolve the water problems. Drink water quality now is good, and leaks are reduced from 75 to 40 %. The next project started this week:...