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From 5th to 13th of October

Prayers in the honour of the “Virgen

Pobre”. At 19:00h, Mass and prayers

at streets.

Friday 14th of October


12:00 h

Church bell chiming announcing the beginning of the fiestas.

17:00 h

Valencian ball game at Canonge en Pere Maurí street (next to Sabadell bank office) by the Club de Pilota Valenciana of Xaló.

20:30 h

Cocà” (popular dinner with traditional pastries “cocas”) at Pla de la Séquia, Major and Alacant streets, with wine offered by Bodegas Xaló and desserts offered by MasyMas supermarket (tickets required). The act will be accompanied by the group “Somnis”.

23:00 h

Rock night at the Main Square with the performance of FUNKIWIS, LOS DE MARRAS and NONAI SOUND DJ.

Saturday 15th of October


11:00 h

Disco for children at Les Oques square, sponsored by Diputació d’Alacant.Alacant.

12:00 h

Church bell chiming.

12:00 h

Collection of “quintos” at the Town Hall square. Passacaglia music accompanied by Festival Band of Xaló. After that, there will be a “Cassalla Anís Tenis” tasting at the Main Square. Main Square.

14:00 h

Giant Paella made by CASA RIQUELME at the Main Square. There will be wine offered by Bodegas Xaló and beer and desserts offered the fiestas organizers. The act will be accompanied by Festival Band of Xaló. The paella will be served on the tables. (Tickets required)

17:00 h

Valencian ball game at Cononge en Pere Maurí street (next to Sabadell bank office) by the Club de Pilota. Valenciana of Xaló.

23:00 h

Performance of the band NO COMMENT.

* “Cocà”, paella and “botifarra tickets can be bought in

Droguería Santos (Mayor street) and Ferretería Tot Útil.

* The fiestas organizers reserve themselves the right of

changing or cancelling any of the activities, always willing

to please the people and relying on their cooperation.

Sunday 16th of October


11:00 h

Cycle ride organized by CLUB CICLISTA DE XALÓ. The start line is placed at the Main Square. At the end, there will be some snacks for the participants at the Main Square.

12:00 h

Wine and Vermouth tasting offered by BODEGAS XALÓ at the Main Square.

16:30 h

Picking ujp of the mayorales and Town Hall dignitaries by the group of dolçaines LA


17:00 h

Church bell chiming.

17:30 h

Pilgrimage from the church to the Benibrahim, where there will take place the representation of the discovery of the Virgin by Tio Canet (a local farmer). We will have music by FESTIVAL BAND OF XALÓ, the traditional dances group LA MURTA – MANOLITA CASTELLS and the band of dolçaines LA XOPENA D’ORBA. After arriving to the church, there will take place the floral offering to the virgin and the singing of couplets in honour of the Mare de Déu Pobra.

22:30 h

Performance of the group LA TRIBU.

23:30 h

The fiestas organizers will offer hot chocolate and “coca maria” (a traditional sponge cake).

Monday 17th of October


09:00 h

Solemn mass.

11:00 h

Picking up of the mayorales and civil authorities, accompanied by FESTIVAL BAND OF XALÓ.D OF XALÓ.

12:00 h

Solemn mass in honour of the Mare de Déu Pobra, sung by the Xaló’s Choir offered by Mayorales and mayoralesas 2019. Once the mass will have finished, the mayorales will distribute the “Pa Beneït” (a blessed piece of special sweet bread) at the Main Square. Later, “mascletà” (fireworks) by pirotecnia

CAVALLER FX at Assegador street.treet.

19:00 h

Offer of the virgin to the children who come to the church.

19:30 h

Solemn procession of the Mare de Déu Pobra, accompanied by ASOCIACIÓN MUSICAL JALONENSE and LA XOPENA D’ORBA. After the procession, ONA CABRERA PUIGCERVER will sing the couplet to the Virgin. Then, the Virgin will be ascended to the main altar and the hymn will be sung. Next, fireworks by the pirotecnia CAVALLER FX at Assegador street.

23:00 h

EL GRAN CABARET (a musical) will take place in the Main Square.

Tuesday 18th of October


09:00 h

Church bell chiming.

11:00 h

Picking up of mayorales and civil authorities, accompanied by AGRUPACIÓ MUSICAL JALONENSE.

12:00 h

Solemn mass in honour of the Mare de Déu Pobra, sung by Xaló’s choir. After that, the mayorales will pick up the next year’s mayorales, accompanied by ASSOCIACIÓ MUSICAL JALONENSE.

18:45 h

Collection of traditional dancers at the Town Hall square by LA XOPENA D’ORBA. They will go to the Main Square where they will dance the traditional dances.

20:00 h

Botifarrà” at the Main Square, where the mayorales distribute traditional handmade sausages. We will have wine offered by BODEGAS XALÓ. The act will be accompanied by the duo Ximo & Rakel.