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The City Council of Xaló has launched Nadal (Xmas) campaign for the town’s small business this Monday, November 30. The traditional start to promote purchases has thus advanced a few days in a year marked by the * Covid-19 pandemic and in which this sector has been so affected.

In this year’s campaign, which will end on Three Kings’ Eve, the protagonist is gratitude. With the title “This Christmas, you are the gift”, the Department of Commerce wants to thank the people from Xaló who buy from the local shops. That is why displays with the word thank you have been installed in all stores and also in catering establishments. That word will become more visible as the days go by with the red dots with the name of each client that will be attached. At each purchase, the customer may post a red dot sticker with his name.

Campanya comerç Xaló

“We wanted there to be a very strong link between the neighborhood and the business in a year in which it is essential that we help each other”, explained the Councilor for Commerce, Lore Blasco, who added: “your name in the store is a very nice gesture of thanks ”.

And to continue with the gratitude, the same businesses, through Xaló townhall, will return these gestures in the form of prizes. Some prizes that this year are increased by 500 euros more. In this way there will be a grand prize of € 500 and 10 of 100 euros. All to be spent in the Xaló stores. To participate in the raffle you must make purchases of a minimum of € 50 in total, fill in the form, attach the ticket(s) and put it in the special boxes in the stores and townhall. The prize draw will be held on January 8, 2021.