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The Town Council of Xaló, in the telematic plenary meeting last Thursday 23rd April, unanimously approved the following document that combines the measures that will be launched at a municipal level to face the crisis of Covid-19 ::

1. Emergency economic measures to assist businesses in Xaló

These measures have been studied by different municipal and supra-municipal economic bodies over the past few weeks:

Direct help for small businesses

– Approval of municipal economic assistance for a range of local commerce in Xaló. It will start with a call to supplement the assistance of other administrations (provided they are compatible) and will extend to those self-employed workers whose income has fallen more than 50%.

Initially, funds will be created from an emergency budget amendment of € 20,000 and aid packages of up to €750 will be distributed. An increase of 25 per cent will be considered once the outcome and the immediate implications of the crisis are studied.

Fee rebates

– The annual occupancy fee for tables and chairs on public roads will not be charged.

– The solid waste tax will be subsidized for businesses for as long as they have been closed.

– Payment of the remaining municipal fees is postponed for the duration of the State of alarm.

Staffing maintenance

The town council will keep on all staff and maintain the salaries of municipal workers.

Staff recruitment Plan

The town council will study the activation of a job pool to carry out emergency tasks in order to help maintain employment.

Increase in Public construction

The Town council will expand the budget for Public construction. On the one hand, emergency work will be studied that is allowed to be carried out in a state of alarm, and on the other hand, other jobs will begin when the suspension of activity of legal administrative acts ends.

We will demand the central government to allow the use of previous savings for the people of Xaló

The councillors of Xaló will demand the central government to allow us to use the historical surplus of the town of more than 600,000 euros that is currently frozen in an account. It is money from the taxes of our citizens and remains blocked because we apply a regulation of council debt, when in reality Xaló has had zero debt since the year 2015. With this fund the councillors will design an extraordinary plan for the unprecedented reactivation of our municipality.

2. Emergency measures in social and educational areas

Xaló has delegated the management of Social Services to Massma.  Currently, the Generalitat Valenciana and the Diputación have deposited funds of € 30,000 belonging to the municipality of Xaló to provide emergency social assistance. Social workers set the criteria for aid and a gradual quantity is used as the impact of the emergency is expected to last. You can ask for help by calling 965587667 or writing to administracio@massma.org. From the town hall we track your request, if you have any questions, send us an email to atencioalpublic@xalo.org or call 966480101.

Details of the benefits as of April 20th:  In Xaló, 32 families (49 adults and 34 children) have been processed. Food vouchers are provided and transfers are made for basic needs.

A municipal emergency plan has been activated to avoid problems with access to technology to ensure educational equality. Firstly, via the local police to move school supplies and now through the purchase of tablets connected to the internet for students whose social and school services have highlighted that they have difficulties. You can contact our school if you have special needs, and we will transfer emergencies.

Food grants will be suplimented via Massma to reach all families. All A, B and C grant students will receive food vouchers daily.

The operation of the music school has been adapted via a remote working plan. Fee payments have been reduced to 50 % for all registrations, even though the school maintains all staff and services.

Creation of the special virtual space in the Batega Xaló application dedicated to the confinement caused by the coronavirus. A space for the entire population to inform, entertain and educate.

3. Emergency measures affecting holidays and general programming

The August fiestas this year are suspended, they will be held in 2021. The age to be a ‘festero’ is delayed by one year, which was already a hypothesis studied beforehand due to the current legal difficulties experienced by ‘pre-festers’ in the collection for the fiestas.

The celebration of the October fiestas remains under consideration, although everything points to a similar decision if the situation does not change drastically in the coming weeks

Suspension of Xalonia and all other annual activities which involve the congregation of hundreds of people.

Postponed event budgets will be used in the economic and social emergency action plan.

4. Public health and safety emergency measures

Special cleaning and disinfection measures initiated at the beginning of the crisis are maintained.

The Town Council has protective screens for all the population at risk on request (atencioalpublic@xalo.org o 966480101). Home delivery has been enabled for those who request it. We have advanced the distribution to shops and have placed a new order to have a stock of 1000 screens. Unlike masks, screens offer a guarantee of daily use if disinfected, they offer a high level of protection and can be supplemented with the use of masks. It must be remembered that no mask or screen can replace the basic measures of safety distancing (1.5 m distance) and hygiene.

The Ecoparc will open for business from today Monday 27th April and for the general public from Monday 4th may. To go to the Ecoparc you must follow a security protocol by making an appointment for access with the town council. To request an appointment, please contact atencioalpublic@xalo.org   or call 966480101.