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The council of festivities of the town of Xaló and the Commission of festivals of Sant Domenec or August have agreed to postpone this year’s fiestas until 2021. The agreement was reached at a telematic meeting and is intended to be a precautionary measure for the public health of the population. Crowds of people are most common at public fiestas and right now they are not viable.

Lore Blasco, the councillor for fiestas explains: “At the same time, we have also held a meeting with next year’s Festival Commission, made up of 17-year-olds, and they have agreed to the postponement”. “As a result of this decision, from 2021, the ‘profesteros’ will always be 18 years old instead of being 17 years old”, Blasco said.

Regarding the municipal subsidy that is granted to these festivals, the mayor has announced that part of it will go to small businesses and autonomous of Xaló that have been affected by the coronavirus crisis.

October Fiestas

The celebration of the other festivals of Xaló, those in October or of ‘la Virgen Pobre’, are being negotiated. In this regard, the Mayor explained that “we are aware of the difficult year we are living; but if we can celebrate these fiestas, they will have the full support of the Town Council”.