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Like everything else this year, the ‘Romero’ will also be different. Well, we prefer to say special. We’ll have the party, but in another way. Take a good look at the programming because you will have many things to do, for adults and children… and with prizes too!

Tuesday 21st

On the Facebook page of the village council of Xaló we will share the recipe “Bollos” with pasta from the book Xaló, cuina de Tradició” as documented by the Majorals 2019. Prepare your “Bollos”, take photos and videos and upload them on the social networks tagging the Town Hall of Xaló (L’Ajuntament de Xaló) and with the Hashtag #Xalóacasa

Thursday 23rd

At 22:00. Broadcasting on the Facebook page of the Cultural Community of the Marina Alta-MACMA, of the documentary Les Dones del Romer(The Women Of The Rosemary).

Friday 24th

Decoration of balconies / terraces / facades…. For the little ones at home, a drawing contest with the theme “Rosemary”. Take photos and videos and upload them on the social networks tagging the Town Hall of Xaló and with the Hashtag #Xalóacasa

Saturday 25th

At 17.00 we invite all musicians to go out on the balcony to get the ‘Romero’ party going, this is a tradition of our village.

17.30 Afternoon snack. Prepare your “Bollos” and go out on the balcony or terrace to enjoy the party. Take photos and videos and upload them on the networks … # Xalóacasa

The posts from the week which are tagged l’ajuntament de Xaló and have the most likes on Facebook and Instagram the day 26/04/2020 at 12.00 H will win a prize (maximum one prize per person). The participants agree that the town council can share the publications that are considered appropriate on their social networks.

Photo Awards:

1.º– 75voucher to spend in shops in the village

2.º– 50voucher to spend in shops in the village

1.º– 25voucher to spend in shops in the village

Awards of the ” Drawing Competition

1st , 2nd and 3rd – 25vouchers to spend in shops in the village.