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To offer a place to meet and a leisure and training space. That is the goal with which the Xaló youth centre has been founded. A space designed for and aimed at younger citizens, which will be open to the public at the beginning of 2020 and will be on Carrer Sant Rafael.  Firstly, however, a youth forum will have to be set up, a body which will be responsible for programming and coordinating the proposals included in the youth centre’s programme.

In order to set up this youth forum, we invite all young people from Xaló between the ages of 12 and 20 years old to join us next Monday 23th of December at 18:00. In addition to creating the forum itself, this first meeting will serve to lay the foundations for this new space.

Regarding this matter, the Youth Councillor of Xaló, Vicent Caselles, has said ”the idea we have is that in the Youth Council the children and teenagers between 12 and 20 years old will be represented and that they can have a spokesperson to express their interests and demands”.

The aim of this initiative is to provide an outlet for the younger people of the village and their families, who are concerned by the lack of leisure alternatives. Therefore the youth centre will also be a space for preventing antisocial behaviour, socialising and promoting social skills.

In addition to this, there will be organized activities that are currently successfully carried out in the village (such as robotics workshops) and which will help to expand the recreational and training proposals that the town council organizes with young people in mind.

In short, the youth centre hopes to build on the ideas provided by the users themselves and to be financed in part by grants and subsidies. To try to ensure that both young people and parents are fully aware of all news, activities and information in general from the youth centre, a specific channel has been created in Telegram. To subscribe you can access in this link https://t.me/forumjovexalo.