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by Xaló City Council | Jan 21, 2019

The city council of the Vall del Pop continues with the strategy of maintaining and improving services that already exist. The school and the culture venue will be the facilities in which they are going to invest the most this year.

The Council of Xaló has approved the municipal budget of 2019 with a consensus.  There were nine votes in favour from Compromis and PSPV and two abstentions from the Partido Popular and the Independent Party. The total figure of the budget is 2,306,000 euros, almost 96,000€ more than the budget of 2018.

Once the important water problems are solved (which affected previous investment), the budget for 2019 is based on four central aspects. Firstly, the recovery of the emblematic building of the thirteenth-century mill, which will be restored to become one of the best visitable mills of this period. In addition, it will house the new library, a multipurpose room and an outdoor auditorium.  120,000 euros will be invested for this purpose, half of the money this year and the rest at the start of 2020. This is the proportional part that corresponds to the local council work plan included in the public work plan of the regional council.

In the area of urban planning, 100,000 euros has been put aside for the purchasing of green areas, which represents a new way of approaching the strategy of urban development. The aim is that the Council will be assuming costs in order to control sustainable urban development while keeping disruption to a minimum.

Furthermore, there will be other important investments in the maintenance and improvement of infrastructure this year, such as the structural refurbishment of the swimming pool changing rooms, the renovation of the pedestrian zones adjacent to the main provincial road and work the in field of water control and sports areas.

With what is left from the treasury we will cover the final stretch of the development works of the new school and high school of Xaló, the drafting of the project is now in its final phase.

The Mayor of Xaló Joan Miquel Garcés stated “I am grateful to the opposition for supporting the use of the municipal accounts.  In a moment of tension in politics in general, in Xaló we are keeping focused on the politics of specific things, 2019 will be the key year for the recovery of our mill and for the work on the new school and high school, among other important issues”.